HAESIN's Title
Triad and Tribulations
In Korea’s gritty underworld, orphaned street fighter Lee Minjo and gangster-raised Cha Kangchul forge an uneasy alliance, each fighting for survival in a landscape ruled by money, power, drugs, and sex. Both are determined to catch the attention of Kwak Seokhwan, the formidable leader of the Samgeori gang. However, their aspirations are thrown into chaos when a traitor emerges within the organization, igniting a violent struggle for survival and supremacy in a brutal world where loyalty is scarce and betrayal is deadly.

Pian Pian (Introduction)
In the world of "Pian Pian," people are born with the initials of their soulmates on their bodies. The location of these "imprints" is unique to the individual, but the meaning behind the letters is the same. The chances of actually uniting with one's soulmates are rather slim, but that hasn't stopped Sooha. Not only does he believes he will find his soulmate, but he has also refused to enter into any other relationship until then. But lately, his handsome boss chef Calix has had him feeling some feels. Could the tides be finally changing for Sooha?

Pian Pian
In the world of “Pian Pian,” people are born with the initials of their soulmates on their bodies. The location of these “imprints” is unique to the individual, but the meaning behind the letters is the same. Suha’s happens to be located in a – ahem – very private location. The chances of actually uniting with one’s soulmates is rather slim, but that hasn’t stopped Suha. Not only does he believe he will find his soulmate, but he also refuses to date anyone until then. But lately, his handsome boss, Chef Calix, has had him feeling some feels “down there...” He thought he was alone in these feelings, but the chef has suddenly started showing interest in him. Could the tides be finally changing for innocent Suha?