MORAK's Title
Honey Trouble (Introduction)
Attached at the hip for 20 years, Jiheon and Wooju are practically inseparable. There's definitely something simmering between them but Jiheon is an alpha and Wooju, just a beta. Not only that, but Wooju’s had his eyes on someone else lately, anyways. Ever the good friend, Jiheon makes an unexpected suggestion to Wooju in order to get the attention of the one he desires. But is there a layer of manipulation beneath this supposedly helpful gesture? What Jiheon feels is love, some might call…an obsession. And this obsession could lead to all sorts of trouble...

Honey Trouble
Attached at the hip for 20 years, Jiheon and Wooju are practically inseparable. There's definitely something simmering between them but Jiheon is an alpha and Wooju, just a beta. Not only that, but Wooju’s had his eyes on someone else lately, anyways. Ever the good friend, Jiheon makes an unexpected suggestion to Wooju in order to get the attention of the one he desires. But is there a layer of manipulation beneath this supposedly helpful gesture? What Jiheon feels is love, some might call…an obsession. And this obsession could lead to all sorts of trouble...

The Unquenchable Mr. Kim
Mr. Doyun Kim's a pretty quiet, unassuming guy at the office — with a big secret. He's actually half vampire! But without full vamp status, he can't drink blood and has to seek out some human essence (read: sex! and more sex!) to live. Drained and desperate, he finds a "special" companion but everything goes wrong. Now he's caught up in a one-sided office relationship, and most importantly, it's not working!!! Will Doyun survive and keep his secret intact?