Lezhin Comics

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Kongkye-potkye's Title

Searching for Mr. Hairless


No matter how great her date may be, Rajung's love could never coexist with their body hair. The passion and excitement of a new relationship died instantly when she saw "hair": a hairy chest, hairy legs, the five o'clock shadow, etc. It's like losing your appetite when you find hair in your food; it doesn't matter how good the dish is or if it's to your taste. At this rate, there's a good chance Rajung will die without ever seeing a man's penis, let alone having sex. Then her best guy friend, without batting an eye, said to her: "Guess I should pluck all my pubic hair and show you mine."


Searching for Mr. Hairless - All-Ages Edition


No matter how great her date may be, Rajung's love could never coexist with their body hair. The passion and excitement of a new relationship died instantly when she saw "hair": a hairy chest, hairy legs, the five o'clock shadow, etc. It's like losing your appetite when you find hair in your food; it doesn't matter how good the dish is or if it's to your taste. At this rate, there's a good chance Rajung will die without ever seeing a man's penis, let alone having sex. Then her best guy friend, without batting an eye, said to her: "Guess I should pluck all my pubic hair and show you mine."
